
先日こちらの記事(https://goo.gl/rI17Dj)でご紹介したとおり、ボッシュは早稲田大学 理工学術院創造理工学部で授業を行い、6月1日に2回目の問題解決講座(完結編)を実施しました。講師は、ボッシュの問題解決のエキスパート社員2名です。




Hello, this is Bosch Human Resource Marketing Group!
As we have reported you on the following article (https://goo.gl/rI17Dj), Bosch Japan has offered a seminar about problem solving for students at the School of Creative Science and Engineering in the Waseda University. On 1.June, we held the second half of the seminar. At the seminar, the students learned know-how of problem solving such as root cause analysis, recurrence prevention measure. We gave them a sample problem to solve and let them solve the problem by applying the theory they learned in group works. The teachers were experienced experts of problem solving from Bosch Japan and enjoyed working together with the students with fresh ideas and flexible mind-set.