モビリティ アフターマーケット事業部:自動音声ガイダンスの一部不具合について

Mobility Aftermarket Division: Notice about Automated Telephone Guidance System Error with Some Phones

English text below

ボッシュ株式会社 モビリティ アフターマーケット事業部では、2022年3月1日より弊事業部への代表電話に自動音声ガイダンスを導入させていただいておりますが、一部のお客様より「用件番号を押しても反応しない、つながらない」というご報告を頂戴しております。


1. ダイヤルトーンでお電話いただいたお客様


2. プッシュトーンへの切替方法が不明なお客様




Bosch Corporation's Mobility Aftermarket Division introduced an automated telephone guidance system starting on March 1, 2022. Since the start of the new system, there have been reports from some customers that the system sometimes does not recognize the number that was pressed or that sometimes the call cannot be connected.

For customers who are experiencing the difficulties noted above, please try the following steps when placing a call.

1. For customers who make a call with a pulse-tone (rotary-tone) phone

For customers who make a call with land-line phones that use a pulse-tone (rotary-tone), the system does not respond when the applicable number is pressed. Please refer to your phone's user manual and change the pulse-tone (rotary-tone) to a push-tone.

2. For customers who are unsure how to switch the phone to push-tone

Please wait for at least 10 seconds after pressing the number that corresponds to your inquiry. A telephone operator will pick up your call.
Please note that when all lines are busy, it may not be possible to connect to the operator even after waiting as noted above. We ask for your kind understanding that your call may be queued until an operator is available.

We apologize for the inconvenience that this may cause.

Thank you for your consideration and for your continued interest and support of our products and services.

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